Deployment on Mount St. Helens in July 2009

Learning lessons from trial deployment in 2008, we have significantly improved the system functions and intelligence, and successfully conducted a larger scale deployment into the crater and around the flank of Mount St. Helens in July 2009. The system has been continuously running since deployment. This deployment recieves much media exposure (See our News page).

Watch the deployment videos: [1], [2]. To access our sensor data for computer science research purpose, please see instructions here. If you intend to use data for volcano research, please ask for permissions from USGS.

Figure 1 The deployment map of 15 OASIS stations on St Helens Volcano. The sink nodes 0 and 7 are placed in JRO

Figure 2
The OASIS Team

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Figure 3 Discussion

Figure 4 Verification

Figure 5 Verification

Figure 6 An OASIS Station in the sky

Deployment on Mount St. Helens in October 2008

On Oct 15th 2008, we successfully air-dropped 5 stations into the rugged crater of Volcano St. Helens, which only took one hour with a helicopter (see Figure 7). The stations communicate with each other through an amplified 802.15.4 radio and form a self-forming and self-healing multi-hop wireless network.The distance between stations are up to 2 km. Each sensor station collects and delivers real-time continuous seismic, infrasonic, lightning, GPS raw data and their derived data (such as RSAM) to a gateway. Figure 8 shows a detected earthquake event. This deployment to explore the system requirements and environmental constraints in the rugged terrains. Refer our MobiSys 2009 paper for our design and deployment details.

Figure 7 Air-dropped stations form a multi-hop network


Figure 8 Detected earthquake event on Oasis stations: The upper part is spectogram, the lower part is the waveform.