Research Topic: Sensor Data Analytics and Data Infrastructure
Postdoc, graduate, and undergraduate research assistant positions are available in the research area of sensor data analytics (including advanced signal processing, machine learning and deep learning), or sensor data infrastructure designs for healthcare and electrical monitoring applications. The lab currently focuses on three research topics: (1) health and activity monitoring of human and animal via contactless sensing; (2) cyber-physical security and health monitoring of electrical machines and networks; (3) decentralized zero-trust IoT data fabric based on web 3.0. For undergraduates, we also have multiple openings on software and hardware development.

About the lab and faculty advisor:
The SensorWeb lab focuses on intelligent sensing, computing, networking and security technologies, with clear vision on “Connecting the Dots for Intelligence”. The lab’s faculty advisor is Dr. WenZhan Song is the Endowed Chair Professor of Computer Engineering and Founding Director of Center for Cyber-Physical Systems. He is a leading expert on sensor data analytics and security, sensor networks and data infrastructures and received numerous important honors and awards, including NSF CAREER award 2010, Mark Weiser Best Paper Award 2020, and multiple Research Excellence awards. He works closely with government and industry partners on technology innovation and commercialization.
Relevant Publications:
- “Smart Sleep Monitoring System via Passively Sensing Human Vibration Signals”, IEEE Sensors Journal, vol. 21, no. 13, 2021.
- “Helena: Real-time contact-free monitoring of sleep activities and events around the bed.” the IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications (PerCom). IEEE, 2020. (IEEE Mark Weiser Best Paper Award)
- “Smart Seismic Sensing for Indoor Fall Detection, Location and Notification”, IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics, 2019.
- “Online distributed IoT security monitoring with multidimensional streaming big data.” IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 2019
- “Enhanced Cyber-physical Security in Internet of Things through Energy Auditing”, IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 2019.
- “Unsupervised Anomaly Detection and Diagnosis in Power Electronic Networks: Informative Leverage and Multivariate Functional Clustering Approaches”, IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, 2023
- “Collaborative Data Collection with Opportunistic Network Erasure Coding”, IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems (TPDS), 2013
Desired Background and Expertise:
Prospective students with background in computer science, math and engineering are encouraged to apply. Previous research experience in areas related to advanced signal processing and artificial intelligence for topic 1-2, network security and distributed systems for topic 3 is preferred. Awards, high GPA and previous R&D experiences are the plus.
Application Procedure:
Graduate student application: apply to the Ph.D. in Engineering (Electrical and Computer Engineering Emphasis) in the college of engineering. More information about the application procedure, eligibility requirements, deadlines and assistantships can be found at the graduate admission website.
Postdoc application: apply to the job opening at
Undergraduate research assistant: Besides the listed research topic above, we hire more undergraduates as software and hardware developers. Please do not hesitate to reach out emailing your CV to Prof. Song
Please start an inquiry by emailing your CV to Prof. Song at and specifying your interest in topic 1-2 or topic 3. For the postdoc and PhD application, in the first round of screening, a data science question with data set for topic 1-2, or a network security question set for topic 3, will be sent to you and expect you to complete it within one week. Thereafter, please contact us when you are ready to do this screening.