CSEE 4140 Network System Engineering

Course Location and Time

Driftmier 1456
Tuesday and Thursday 11:10 am-12:25 pm


Dr. WenZhan Song
Office: Boyd 103
Email: wsong@uga.edu
Appointment: https://calendly.com/wzsong/


Office hours: Wednesday 11AM-12PM

Course Description

Introduction to the network systems and engineering. The course will cover network system programming, communication protocols and security, software and hardware tools and platforms. More details are at the course syllabus.

Course Pre-requisite

  • CSCI 1730 (System Programming) or ELEE 2040 (Programming for Engineers)

Important: be sure to talk with me if you did not meet the prerequisite, since the course has programming projects.

Course Text and Materials (NO PURCHASE REQUIRED)

  • James F. Kurose and Keith W. Ross, “Computer Networking: A Top-Down Approach” 3rd/4th/5th edition, Addison Wesley, (ISBN-10: 0321497708)
  • Ray Horak, Communications Systems and Networks 3rd Edition, Wiley, (ISBN-10: 0764548999)
  • Handouts & Online Readings as assigned

Please download Lecture Slides and Materials here.

Course Topics

  • System design and programming tools (Linux, C, python)
  • Network emulation software and hardware platforms
  • Network system and engineering principles
  • Communication and networking systems and protocols
  • Security, privacy and ethical issues of network systems


Please type (no handwriting) and submit a soft copy to UGA eLearningCommons, and bring a printed hard copy to the class on due date. The grades will be available at UGA eLearningCommons too.

  • HW1 (Due 2/1/2024 before the class)
  • HW2 (Due 2/22/2024 before the class)
  • HW3 (Due 3/14/2024 before the class)
  • HW4 (Due 4/11/2024 before the class)
  • HW5 (Due 4/23/2024 before the class)

Course Project (Due 3/1/2024)



The final exam will cover all materials in the class. It is a closed-book, closed-notes exam.

Make up exams will NOT be given, unless extremely extenuating circumstances such as medical emergency (requires verification).

Lab Resources
The course will be taught mostly in a lecture format and some time will be reserved in a lab format or upon the request. 

Late submission will result in 30% penalty per day; if the solution is given before your assignment submission, then score zero.

  • Attendance               10%
  • Homeworks              50%
  • Project                       20%
  • Final Exam               20%

The grading scale used along with the grading criteria is as follows: A: 90+, B: 80-89, C: 70-79, D: 60-69, F: 0-59

Attendance Policy
You must attend class. Your attendance will be tracked, and absences will adversely affect your grade for unexcused absence. If you know you will miss class and can’t avoid it, please email me immediately.

Allowable absences under UGA guidelines (e.g. excused medical absence with note from doctor) will not count against you, but you are responsible for all missed material.

We also highly encourage you to evaluate the course at the end of semester. 2% extra points will be awarded to those who showed the proof of evaluation. The proof of evaluation may be submitted together with the final exam.

Captioned Media Courtesy Notice

If anyone would like to show a video in this class, please select a video with closed captions. This may require previewing the video in full to ensure the captions are correct. If you cannot find a video with captions the Disability Resource Center can add captions. Send a link for the video to ccap@uga.edu. Please be aware that it may take up to 10 business days to complete.

Resource Links